
As a designer I am fascinated by change and I want to contribute to the activist role that design has to me, by sketching visions for the future.

By looking from a different perspective, by researching, by experimenting, I want to shed new light on those changes, give them a positive turn with a twist, with a playfulness, that fosters the idea in people that by doing you can influence the world around you.



Crazy people, marginal people, rebels, anticonformists, dissidents... anyone who sees things differently, who doesn't follow the rules. You can admire or disapprove, glorify or denigrate them. But you can't ignore them, because they change things. They make it up, they imagine, they explore. They create, they inspire. They are moving humanity forward. Where some see nothing but madness, we see genius. Because only those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world do it.
Jack Kerouac-(On The Road)

Les fous, les marginaux, les rebelles, les anticonformistes, les dissidents...tous ceux qui voient les choses différemment, qui ne respectent pas les règles. Vous pouvez les admirer ou les désapprouver, les glorifier ou les dénigrer. Mais vous ne pouvez pas les ignorer. Car ils changent les choses. Ils inventent, ils imaginent, ils explorent. Ils créent, ils inspirent. Ils font avancer l'humanité. Là où certains ne voient que folie, nous voyons du génie. Car seuls ceux qui sont assez fous pour penser qu'ils peuvent changer le monde y parviennent.
Jack Kerouac- (Sur la route)